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In a similar way to retrieving runs, methods exist in the Client() class for retrieving information about folders.

Retrieving Single Folders

The get_folder method can be used to obtain details about a specified folder. By default only basic information is returned, which includes:

  • Path,
  • ID,
  • Description,
  • Timestamp at which folder was created,
  • User which created the folder,
  • Number of runs stored in the folder

For example:

  "path": "/rand_nums",
  "created": "2023-12-01 13:58:01.492625",
  "id": "kLwNUm4KXSR7SXUi7TsnAe",
  "user": "my_user",
  "description": 'Stores runs for monitoring random number generation.',
  "visibility": {'users': [], 'tenant': False, 'public': False},
  "name": 'rand_nums',
  "starred": False,
  "ttl": None,
  "runs": 20

Retrieving Multiple Folders

Instead of specifying the path of a single folder, filters can be provided with the get_folders() method. This returns information on multiple folders. The output dictionary is in the form of a list, where the information about each folder has the same format as the output from the get_run method described above.

For example, to get details of all folders which contain runs which were ran in the 'testing' environment:

client.get_folders(['environment' == 'testing'])

Deleting Folders

Folders can also be deleted using the delete_folder method. You can select whether to only delete the folder itself, or whether to also recursively delete all of the runs which are stored inside of it, by specifying the runs parameter. For example, say we wanted to create a Python script which is executed every day, which checks for any folders which are marked with the expiring tag and deletes them (and all runs contained within them) if they are more than 30 days old:

date_30d_ago = - timedelta(days=30)
folders = client.get_folders(['expiring'])

for folder in folders:
    if datetime.strptime(folder['created'], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") < date_30d_ago:
            client.delete_folder(folder['path'], runs=True)
Further Documentation