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Basic Tensorflow example

This example demonstrates using Simvue to track a simple Python code, in particular:

  • Collecting some metadata,
  • Saving the Python script,
  • Logging some metrics while the training is running,
  • Adding some additional metadata containing the final values of the metrics.

The code is based on a dynamic recurrent neural network example - find the original neural network code on Github.

Running the code

To run this example, firstly clone the Simvue client GitHub repository:

git clone
cd examples/Tensorflow

Create a virtual environment:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Install the required dependencies:

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install tensorflow simvue

Ensure that Simvue is configured properly, for example by creating a .simvue.toml file in the Tensorflow directory. Click on Create new run in the UI for more information.

Run the code:



To begin with we import the required class:

from simvue import Run

We next initialise the run and specify metadata:

run = Run()
run.init(metadata={'dataset.num_classes': num_classes,
                   'dataset.seq_max_len': seq_max_len,
                   'dataset.seq_min_len': seq_min_len,
                   'dataset.masking_val': masking_val,
                   'training.learning_rate': learning_rate,
                   'training.training_steps': training_steps,
                   'training.batch_size': batch_size,
                   'network.num_units': num_units})

The Python code itself is saved:

run.save_file('', 'code')

During the part of the code which carries out the training we log metrics:

run.log_metrics({'loss': float(loss), 'accuracy': float(acc)})

Once the training has completed we add some metadata specifying the final values of the metrics:

run.update_metadata({'loss': float(loss), 'accuracy': float(acc)})

Finally we finish the run:



As well as having a record of metadata associated with the training run you can visualize the metrics in real-time, for example loss:

A plot of theOpenFOAM residuals metrics, evaluated in real time on the UI. The metrics, and are plotted on the same graph in different colours (blue, green and yellow respectively), with time in seconds along the x axis.