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The Run class



Return current run duration


Return the executor for this run


Return the unique id of the run


Return the name of the run


Create an array containing a list of processes


Return current timestamp


Return the local unique identifier of the run



Initialise a new Simvue run If abort_callback is provided the first argument must be this Run instance


mode Literal['online', 'offline', 'disabled'] mode of runningonline - objects sent directly to Simvue serveroffline - everything is written to disk for later dispatchdisabled - disable monitoring completely
abort_callback Optional[Callable[[Self], None]] callback executed when the run is aborted
server_token pydantic.types.SecretStr | None overwrite value for server token, default is None
server_url str | None overwrite value for server URL, default is None
debug bool run in debug mode, default is False


Add a set of existing alerts to this run by name or id


ids list[str] | None unique identifiers of the alerts to attach, by default None
names list[str] | None names of alerts to attach, by default None



returns True if successful


Add a process to be executed to the executor. This process can take many forms, for example a be a set of positional arguments:

executor.add_process("my_process", "ls", "-ltr")
Provide explicitly the components of the command:
executor.add_process("my_process", executable="bash", debug=True, c="return 1")
executor.add_process("my_process", executable="bash", script="", input="parameters.dat")
or a mixture of both. In the latter case arguments which are not 'executable', 'script', 'input' are taken to be options to the command, for flags flag=True can be used to set the option and for options taking values option=value. When the process has completed if a function has been provided for the completion_callback argument this will be called, this callback is expected to take the following form:
def callback_function(status_code: int, std_out: str, std_err: str) -> None:
Note completion_callback is not supported on Windows operating systems. Alternatively you can use completion_trigger to create a multiprocessing event which will be set when the process has completed.


identifier str A unique identifier for this process
executable str | pathlib._local.Path | None the main executable for the command, if not specified this is taken to be the firstpositional argument, by default None
positional_arguments Any, ..., optional all other positional arguments are taken to be part of the command to execute
script Optional[Annotated[pathlib._local.Path, Path(path_type='file')]] the script to run, note this only work if the script is not an option, if this is the caseyou should provide it as such and perform the upload manually, by default None
input_file Optional[Annotated[pathlib._local.Path, Path(path_type='file')]] the input file to run, note this only work if the input file is not an option, if this is the caseyou should provide it as such and perform the upload manually, by default None
completion_callback Optional[Callable[[int, str, str], None]] callback to run when process terminates (not supported on Windows)
completion_trigger multiprocessing.synchronize.Event | None this trigger event is set when the processes completes
env dict[str, str] | None environment variables for process
cwd pathlib._local.Path | None working directory to execute the process within. Note that executable, input and script file paths shouldbe absolute or relative to the directory where this method is called, not relative to the new working directory.
kwargs Any, ..., optional all other keyword arguments are interpreted as options to the command


Close the run



whether close was successful


Optional configuration


suppress_errors bool | None disable exception throwing instead putting Simvue into adormant state if an error occurs
queue_blocking bool | None block thread queues during metric/event recording
resources_metrics_interval Optional[Annotated[int, Gt(gt=0)]] frequency at which to collect resource metrics
enable_emission_metrics bool | None enable monitoring of emission metrics
disable_resources_metrics bool | None disable monitoring of resource metrics
storage_id str | None identifier of storage to use, by default None
abort_on_alert Union[Literal['run', 'all', 'ignore'], bool, None] whether to abort when an alert is triggered.If 'run' then the current run is aborted.If 'terminate' then the script itself is terminated.If 'ignore' then alerts will not affect this run



if configuration was successful


Creates an events alert with the specified name (if it doesn't exist) and applies it to the current run. If alert already exists it will not be duplicated.


name str name of alert
pattern str for event based alerts pattern to look for, by default None
frequency Annotated[int, Gt(gt=0)] frequency at which to check alert condition in seconds, by default None
notification Literal['email', 'none'] whether to notify on trigger, by default "none"
trigger_abort bool whether this alert can trigger a run abort
attach_to_run bool whether to attach this alert to the current run, default True


str | None

returns the created alert ID if successful


Creates a metric range alert with the specified name (if it doesn't exist) and applies it to the current run. If alert already exists it will not be duplicated.


name Annotated[str, FieldInfo(annotation=None, required=True, metadata=[_PydanticGeneralMetadata(pattern='^[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_\\s\\/\\.:]+$')])] name of alert
metric str metric to monitor
range_low float the lower bound value
range_high float the upper bound value
rule Literal['is inside range', 'is outside range'] rule defining range alert conditions
description str | None description for this alert, default None
window Annotated[int, Gt(gt=0)] time period in seconds over which metrics are averaged, by default 5
frequency Annotated[int, Gt(gt=0)] frequency at which to check alert condition in seconds, by default 1
aggregation Literal['average', 'sum', 'at least one', 'all'] method to use when aggregating metrics within time window, default 'average'.
notification Literal['email', 'none'] whether to notify on trigger, by default "none"
trigger_abort bool whether this alert can trigger a run abort, default False
attach_to_run bool whether to attach this alert to the current run, default True


str | None

returns the created alert ID if successful


Creates a metric threshold alert with the specified name (if it doesn't exist) and applies it to the current run. If alert already exists it will not be duplicated.


name Annotated[str, FieldInfo(annotation=None, required=True, metadata=[_PydanticGeneralMetadata(pattern='^[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_\\s\\/\\.:]+$')])] name of alert
metric str metric to monitor
threshold float the threshold value
rule Literal['is above', 'is below'] rule defining range alert conditions
description str | None description for this alert, default None
window Annotated[int, Gt(gt=0)] time period in seconds over which metrics are averaged, by default 5
frequency Annotated[int, Gt(gt=0)] frequency at which to check alert condition in seconds, by default 1
aggregation Literal['average', 'sum', 'at least one', 'all'] method to use when aggregating metrics within time window, default 'average'.
notification Literal['email', 'none'] whether to notify on trigger, by default "none"
trigger_abort bool whether this alert can trigger a run abort, default False
attach_to_run bool whether to attach this alert to the current run, default True


str | None

returns the created alert ID if successful


Creates a user alert with the specified name (if it doesn't exist) and applies it to the current run. If alert already exists it will not be duplicated.


name Annotated[str, FieldInfo(annotation=None, required=True, metadata=[_PydanticGeneralMetadata(pattern='^[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_\\s\\/\\.:]+$')])] name of alert
description str | None description for this alert, default None
notification Literal['email', 'none'] whether to notify on trigger, by default "none"
trigger_abort bool whether this alert can trigger a run abort, default False
attach_to_run bool whether to attach this alert to the current run, default True


str | None

returns the created alert ID if successful


Initialise a Simvue run


name Annotated[str | None, FieldInfo(annotation=None, required=True, metadata=[_PydanticGeneralMetadata(pattern='^[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_\\s\\/\\.:]+$')])] the name to allocate this run, if not specified a name will beselected at random, by default None
metadata dict[str, Any] any metadata relating to the run as key-value pairs, by default None
tags list[str] | None a list of tags for this run, by default None
description str | None description of the run, by default None
folder Annotated[str, FieldInfo(annotation=None, required=False, default=None, metadata=[_PydanticGeneralMetadata(pattern='^/.*')])] folder within which to store the run, by default "/"
notification Literal['none', 'all', 'error', 'lost'] whether to notify the user by email upon completion of the run ifthe run is in the specified state, by default "none"
running bool whether to set the status as running or created, the latter implyingthe run will be commenced at a later time. Default is True.
retention_period str | None describer for time period to retain run, the default of Noneremoves this constraint.
timeout int | None specify the timeout of the run, if None there is no timeout
visibility Union[Literal['public', 'tenant'], list[str], None] set visibility options for this run, either: public - run viewable to all. tenant - run viewable to all within the current tenant.* A list of usernames with which to share this run
no_color bool disable terminal colors. Default False.



whether the initialisation was successful


Kill all currently running processes.


Kill a running process by ID


process_id str the unique identifier for the added process


Set the state of an alert - either specify the alert by ID or name.


identifier str | None ID of alert to update, by default None
name str | None Name of the alert to update, by default None
state Literal['ok', 'critical'] state to set alert to, by default 'critical'



whether alert state update was successful


Log event to the server


message str event message to log
timestamp str | None manually specify the time stamp for this log, by default None



whether event log was successful


Log metrics to Simvue server


metrics dict[Annotated[str, StringConstraints(strip_whitespace=None, to_upper=None, to_lower=None, strict=None, min_length=None, max_length=None, pattern='^[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_\\s\\/\\.:=><]+$')], int | float] set of metrics to upload to server for this run
step int | None manually specify the step index for this log, by default None
time float | None manually specify the time for this log, by default None
timestamp str | None manually specify the timestamp for this log, by default None



if the metric log was succcessful


Reconnect to a run in the created state


run_id str identifier of run to connect to



whether reconnection succeeded


Save a set of files and directories


items list[Union[Annotated[pathlib._local.Path, Path(path_type='file')], Annotated[pathlib._local.Path, Path(path_type='dir')]]] list of file paths and directories to save
category Literal['input', 'output', 'code'] the category to assign to the saved objects
file_type str | None manually specify the MIME type for all items, by default None
preserve_path bool _preserve the full path, by default False



whether the save was successful


Upload files from a whole directory


directory Annotated[pathlib._local.Path, Path(path_type='dir')] the directory to save to the run
category Literal['output', 'input', 'code'] the category to assign to the saved objects within this directory
file_type str | None manually specify the MIME type for items in the directory, by default None
preserve_path bool preserve the full path, by default False



if the directory save was successful


Upload file to the server


file_path Annotated[pathlib._local.Path, Path(path_type='file')] path to the file to upload
category Literal['input', 'output', 'code'] category of file with respect to this run
file_type str | None the MIME file type else this is deduced, by default None
preserve_path bool whether to preserve the path during storage, by default False
name Optional[Annotated[str, FieldInfo(annotation=None, required=True, metadata=[_PydanticGeneralMetadata(pattern='^[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_\\s\\/\\.:]+$')])]] name to associate with this file, by default None
metadata dict[str, Any] any metadata to attach to the artifact



whether the upload was successful


Save an object to the Simvue server


obj Any object to serialize and send to the server
category Literal['input', 'output', 'code'] category of file with respect to this run
name Optional[Annotated[str, FieldInfo(annotation=None, required=True, metadata=[_PydanticGeneralMetadata(pattern='^[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_\\s\\/\\.:]+$')])]] name to associate with this object, by default None
allow_pickle bool whether to allow pickling if all other serialization types fail, by default False
metadata dict[str, Any] any metadata to attach to the artifact



whether object upload was successful


Add metadata to the specified folder


metadata dict[str, int | str | float] | None additional metadata to attach to this folder, by default None
tags list[str] | None list of tags to assign to the folder, by default None
description str | None description to assign to this folder, by default None



returns True if update was successful


Set pid of process to be monitored


pid int PID of the process to be monitored


Set run status status to assign to this run once finished


status Literal['completed', 'failed', 'terminated'] status to set the run to



if status update was successful


Set tags for this run


tags list[str] new set of tags to assign



whether the update was successful


Update metadata for this run


metadata dict[str, Any] set run metadata



if the update was successful


Add additional tags to this run without duplication


tags list[str] new set of tags to attach



whether the update was successful