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Alerts can be defined and associated with runs. If the alert definition does not exist it will be created. There are three main categories of alert which can be defined:

Metrics Alerts

These are alerts relating to the value of a given metric and fall under two sub-types:

Metric Threshold Alerts

A metric threshold alert is triggered when a metric has a value that exceeds a specified threshold. The function create_metric_threshold_alert takes the arguments:

  • name: name of the alert
  • frequency: how often (in minutes) to check. Must be an integer, any floats provided to this argument will be rounded up
  • notification: type of notification, either none (default) or email
  • threshold: threshold value
  • rule: type of alert, which needs to be one of:

    • is above,
    • is below,
    • metric: name of the metric to use
    • window: what time period (in minutes) over which to calculate the average of the metric. Must be an integer, any floats provided to this argument will be rounded up For example, to create a threshold alert:


   name='quality too low',
   rule='is below',

Metric Range Alerts

A metric range alert is triggered when a metric value either falls or lies outside of a specified value range. The function create_metric_range_alert takes the arguments:

  • name: name of the alert
  • frequency: how often (in minutes) to check. Must be an integer, any floats provided to this argument will be rounded up
  • notification: type of notification, either none (default) or email
  • range_low: lower limit of range
  • range_high: upper limit of range
  • rule: type of alert, which needs to be one of:

    • is outside range,
    • is inside range.
    • metric: name of the metric to use
    • window: what time period (in minutes) over which to calculate the average of the metric. Must be an integer, any floats provided to this argument will be rounded up
   name='density invalid',
   rule='is outside range',

Event Alerts

These alerts are triggered based on pattern matching on the message associated with a logged event. The function create_event_alert takes the following arguments:

  • name: name of the alert
  • frequency: how often (in minutes) to check. Must be an integer, any floats provided to this argument will be rounded up
  • notification: type of notification, either none (default) or email
  • pattern: search for this string in each message


   name='error detector',

Manual alert

Finally, manually triggered alerts can also be created. In order to set the alert status at a later point we need to store the identifier:

alert_id = run.create_user_alert(name='manual alert')
run.log_alert(alert_id, 'ok' if success else 'critical')

Aborting on alert

By default alerts are raised but no action is taken on the simulation. In cases where a simulation should be aborted if an alert is raised the argument trigger_abort should be set:


this argument can be used for any of the alert types above.

Further Documentation