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The config method can be used to set some configuration options. It should be called before calling init which starts a run. All arguments must be stated explicitly as keyword arguments.

  • suppress_errors: if set to False problems with the Simvue client will trigger exceptions. By default this is True, ensuring that the main application can run successfully even in the event of misconfiguration or problems with the monitoring.
  • queue_blocking: when set to True the metrics and events queues will block if they become full. By default this is False, meaning that metrics and/or events will be silently dropped if either of the queues fills.
  • storage_id: specify, by identifier, the storage instance to use
  • disable_resources_metrics: when set to True resource usage metrics are not collected.
  • resources_metrics_interval: resource usage metrics are collected at this interval, in seconds. The default is 60 secs.
  • enable_emission_metrics: when set to True, metrics about the energy used and emissions generated by your run will be collected. Warning - this is an experimental feature.
  • emission_metrics_interval: emissions metrics are collected at this interval, in seconds. The default is 60 secs.
  • abort_on_alert: whether this run can be terminated by alerts which are configured to abort. Choose from:
    • 'run': the current run is aborted
    • 'terminate': the script itself is terminated
    • 'ignore': alerts will not affect this run


from simvue import Run

with Run() as run:

Further Documentation