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If a new folder is specified in init we can use set_folder_details to specify more information about the folder, specifically metdata, tags and a description. For example:

  metadata={'environment': 'testing'},
  description='My first tests'
All of these are optional so only the information required by the user needs to be set. The folder tests will be created if it does not exist already:
graph LR
  A[root] --> B[tests];
  style A fill:#A7C7E7,stroke: #A7C7E7;
  style B fill:#A7C7E7,stroke: #A7C7E7;

Intermediate folders are created automatically as necessary. For example, if a path like /tests/test1/sim is specified, the folders tests and test1 will be created if they do not already exist.

graph LR
  A[root] --> B[tests];
  B[tests] --> C[test1];
  C --> D[sim];
  style A fill:#A7C7E7,stroke: #A7C7E7;
  style B fill:#A7C7E7,stroke: #A7C7E7;
  style C fill:#A7C7E7,stroke: #A7C7E7;
  style D fill:#A7C7E7,stroke: #A7C7E7;

Further Documentation